December Quote

December’s Quotable Calendar wisdom…

Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering!

Fanny Crosby

Last month I wrote about the women’s conference I attended and some new tools I wanted to implement.  Full disclosure here – not doing so well on that.  The times I have my White Space, I am really struggling to sit still long enough to hear what I really want to be doing in that time.  Maybe it’s because most of that time is Sunday afternoon’s while A is at religious school.  Sunday is laundry day, and many many other household chore day. Plus – I really like being alone in my house for 2.75 hours.  I’ve already made judgments about it, like I can’t “waste” the time watching a movie or reading.  I “should” be doing something really creative or supporting.  I get in my own way so often it’s tiring.

This past weekend I was in Jersey.  It was my 20-yr high school reunion.  I think.  The event page was taken off Facebook before the event happened.  Either way, I ended up not going.  But that decision wasn’t until after I had purchased my plane ticket.  A whirlwind tour of 12 hours traveling Friday.  Dinner & Fantastic Mr. Fox with my mom on Friday.  Lunch with a long-time friend Saturday, shopping, another get together with friends.  Sunday brunch at my Dad’s, walk around their downtown neighborhood, off to the airport to go home – i.e. another 12 hours of travel.  Yesterday I was jet lagged and feeling sick.  Stuffy head and tired.  Today, feeling better but not 100%.  I don’t like being sick during the holidays.  Ugh!

I’m also feeling a bit off because the holiday decorating in my home usually starts Thanksgiving weekend.  A and Norman started the gingerbread house this weekend.  But that’s it so far.  The tubs of decorations have not been pulled out.  The living and dining rooms aren’t in a state to put anything out anyway.  It’s only December 1st and already feeling behind the curve.  That includes my holiday gift/shopping plan.  Most things are already purchased – but still have a few more to finish up.  Hopefully this weekend we can spend some time at home working on decorations.  Maybe sneak out for some shopping time as well.

Lastly, my birthday is next week.  I’m taking Friday off and going to the spa.  Well, first having my ass kicked by my trainer.  Then lunch and a massage, facial and pedi.  That will be just fabulous.  And perhaps just what I need to get out of this stress-funk once and for all to really enjoy this holiday season.

So – what are you doing to stay grounded?